
Evolution Research offers a suite of training support to Disability Employment Providers and National Panel of Assessors staff. Training has been developed based on our participation in research in the employment, disability and community service sector has resulted in the design and delivery of training to the employment services sector based on an Immediate Impact Approach and the training of quality NPA assessors. 

Disability Employment Service Training

The Immediate Impact Approach to service delivery  is person-centred and explores an individual’s situation and the factors that directly impact their motivation and ability to engage and increase their chance of sustained meaningful employment. This approach aims to ensure that participants experience an immediate positive impact in at least one aspect of their lives during their initial and subsequent appointments with their provider, which in turn contributes to improved attendance, training and employment outcomes by ensuring existing and potential issues and barriers to employment are addressed. The underpinning premise of this approach is highlighted in Figure 1.






The role of an Employment Consultant requires a broad skill set, flexible application of these skills and ability to engage and mentor participants at differing stages of employment readiness. The delivery of service and the rapport between job-seeker and Employment Consultant is pivotal to engaging vulnerable participants. We believe that the engagement of Employment Consultants across the three programs (jobactive, DES and ParentsNext) is critical to understanding current practices used within these organisation and the expectations of the consultant, and for the research to be able to explore barriers to delivering quality employment services and different approaches to provide a more person-centred focus and an environment where vulnerable participants feel comfortable in raising issues impacting their compliance with mutual obligation requirements.

Evolution Research has a demonstrated understanding of the application and benefits of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI), which relate to the concept of Grit, and in particular, the application of this model to working with people with a disability in an employment setting. Our research into the key potential benefit of MI in an employment service setting demonstrated that this approach works to support change in an individual in a way that is congruent with their own personal values, and that it is a collaborative, person-centred approach, rather than a coercive or externally driven approach. The benefit to this is that the individual is more likely to feel that they have had more say and more control in what is happening in their life and their return to work journey. This generally results in increased ownership and desire to participate in activities that will support the desired change and achievement of goals, namely working towards and finding employment.

National Panel of
Assessor Training

(Supported Wage System and Ongoing Support Assessments)

This training is aimed at consolidating the information presented in the DSS online SWS and OSA training modules.  This two day training provides hands-on real life examples and scenarios to equip assessors to complete their role as independent assessors whilst maintaining the key principles of assessment - validity, reliability and fairness.  The Supported Wage System Training and Ongoing Support Training are two day face to face courses.  Indicative training outline is presented on the right side.

SWS Assessment Overview
(Day 1)

This session provides an overview of the assessment process and the role of the Assessor and how they collaborate to ensure the assessment principles are achieved. This session will help ensure that stakeholders are provided with a clear direction of the SWS assessment process.

  • SWS assessments in Open Employment vs SWS in ADE’s (assessor focus)

  • Employee Capacity – disability impact, task and productivity

  • Task Analysis: Identifying Duty and Task Breakdown and how to record

  • Applying supervision adjustment to employees – using decision making process

Assessment Observations and Data Collection (Day 2)

This session is critical to assisting staff to appropriately set and assess to valid and reliable benchmarks to ensure assessments are fair, valid and reliable. This is a practical session conducted during production.

  • Assessment planning and preparation

  • Assessment of appropriate and/or unique tasks

    • Determine the duration and method of timing. Time based vs unit based.

    • Establishing benchmarks

    • Conducting observations and data collection

    • Collecting productivity data

  • How data is incorporated into the wage assessment tool, including employer data

  • Productivity Calculations

  • Trouble shooting

  • Question time