Department of Employment and
Workplace Relations (DEWR)

Review of the Supported Wage System

Evolution Research was commissioned by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) to conduct a Review of the Supported Wage System (SWS). The purpose of the review of the SWS program was to improve the effectiveness and appropriateness of applying the program to people with mental illness, particularly having regard to the episodic nature of the condition. Although the primary focus was designed to assess whether enhancements can be made to improve the applicability of the SWS to job seekers with mental illness, it was also designed to capture findings that could result in improvements to the SWS program in general and not just those restricted to the mental health focus of the review. The review involved stakeholder engagement and consultation utilising focus groups and individual interview with Disability Employment Services Providers; DSS National Panel of Assessors members who conduct SWS assessments; SWS participants with mental illness (following appropriate HREC approval), their family members and advocates; Employers, supervisors and co-workers of SWS participants;  Treating Health Professionals of SWS participants; Fair Work Australia; Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU); Human Rights Commission; FaHCSIA; Employer and Industry bodies; Health Professional associations; Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) and other disability advocates; and Disability Employment Australia (DEA) and National Disability Services (NDS).

Cognitive interviews for Disability Employment Services (DES) Post Placement Monitoring Surveys

This assignment required the recruitment and interviewing of 30 DES participants to test the functionality of the DES PPM surveys for the new ESS contracting round commencing March 1.  Cognitive interview required initial sampling, followed by iterative testing to refine the surveys to ensure optimum usability.