Evolution Research has demonstrated significant experience and expertise in development of protocols relevant to the size, scope and complexity of this project. Evolution Research’s proficiency as relevant to this project is reflected in demonstrated capacity to undertake a range of assignments within the human services domain:
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation
Engagement of:
Stakeholders with disability and peak bodies
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and peak bodies
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and young people (15+yrs)
Rural and remote stakeholders
LTGQTBI+ stakeholders and peak bodies
Culturally and linguistically diverse communities
Development and implementation of curriculum
Development of resources and learning materials
Education and teaching in low category schools
Working with Aboriginal Land Councils to improve health and social outcomes, as per the National Health Plan 2013-2023
Working with CALD groups, including running a psychosocial immigration program, psychosocial training sessions and well-being sessions for recently arrived refugees
Production of high quality reports for government
Evolution Research has worked extensively with large public-sector clients, including the Commonwealth Department of Employment, Department of Social Services and Department of Health; and large and small not-for profit and private enterprise.
Our staff demonstrate excellent abilities in adapting their approach and communication style when engaging stakeholders and clients to ensure that different cultural, health and interpersonal traits are accommodated. All staff are experienced in facilitation of groups and working with individuals and teams to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) approvals have been required for a variety of research assignments involving the collection and management of data by Evolution Research. These projects included:
Review of the Supported Wage System for people with a mental illness or episodic condition
Conduct focus groups with Disability Support Pension recipients
Investigation into the treatment of Aboriginal people with leprosy in Kahlin Compound, Darwin
Evaluation and strategic review of rural psycho-social rehabilitation services
Evaluation of Mental Health Nurse Incentive Program
Our approach to all projects ensures compliance with required HREC standards, regardless of whether formal approval has been required.
Of particular relevance to this project is our past performance in projects requiring a similar skill-set, including successful project management skills; successful development and implementation of surveys; data analysis; and report writing skills. These projects have included:
Review of content and learning outcomes of the Mental Health Disorders Package for Rural Practice to assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the project in responding to rural practitioner mental health education needs
Developing the survey and subsequently conducting Clients of Disability Employment Services (CODES) interviews for participants with intellectual disability to provide input into the DEEWR DES evaluation
Conducting cognitive interviews with people with disability for the design and application of the DES Post Program Monitoring Survey
Evaluation and strategic review of Uniting Care Wesley Port Augusta's rural psycho-social rehabilitation services. The review incorporated consumer, carer and service provider perspectives, as well as an analysis of the level of intra- and inter-agency integration of a range of community mental health services in the region
Conducting Business Service Wage Assessment Tool Payment Scheme Information Sessions to people with intellectual disability, cognitive impairment or mental illness, and their carers and advocates
Individual staff have been involved in projects of relevance including:
Implementation of Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum within low category schools
Curriculum development and teacher mentoring
Consultation with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women and young people (15+yrs)
Project consultation for the Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council (GLALC) in NSW, working with a team of primarily Aboriginal staff
Experience with CALD groups providing large scale psychosocial immigration program in Alternative Places of Detention (APODs) across the Northern Territory and also on Christmas Island supporting refugee young people (minors) who had recently arrived by boat. This included psychosocial training sessions and well-being sessions for these young people in areas of stress management, emotional resilience, sleep improvement, and understanding trauma.